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Signing of the Management Commitment at PLN Cikedung on the Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS)
On a remarkable day at the PLN Cikedung Branch Office, a significant milestone was achieved as the management gathered to sign the commitment towards implementing the Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS). This event marks a pivotal step in reinforcing the ethical foundation and promoting transparency within the organization.
Revolutionizing Rice Milling in Cikedung - Same Day Service Activation for PT Pare Hade 3 by PLN
Nestled in the productive precincts of Indramayu, Cikedung stands proudly as a national rice granary, a title it has earned through years of dedicated cultivation and production. As technology continues to enhance agricultural processes, the importance of reliable electricity to power essential machinery cannot be overstated. This is where PLN Cikedung steps in, ensuring that the wheels of rice milling operations spin without interruption.
PLN Scholar Project - A Continued Collaboration with PLN's Division of Corporate Business and Investment, Part 2
In this second installment of our blog series on the PLN Scholar Project, we delve deeper into the ongoing collaboration with PLN's Division of Corporate Business and Investment. Notably, Dino, a key figure in this endeavor, has been invited back to PLN's headquarters in South Jakarta to further the initiative.
Celebrating Indonesia’s 78th Independence Day - Advancing Together Towards a Progressive Nation, from PLN Cikedung for a Prosperous Indonesia
As the red and white flags flutter proudly across our archipelago, we come together to celebrate the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. This year, our theme is Terus Melaju Untuk Indonesia Maju, which translates to Advancing Together Towards a Progressive Nation.
Utilizing Solar Power Systems on the Roof of GAIA Kubu Raya Mall's Parking Area in West Kalimantan
One such example can be seen in the innovative initiative of the GAIA Kubu Raya Mall in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, where they have installed Solar Power Systems on the roof of their parking area.