
Name Dino Arla
Phone +628 1313 458 656
Summary A father of three who consistently strives to be the best leader in his family, workplace, and community.


  • 2023.02 - 2025.12

    Indramayu, Indonesia

    Team Leader of Energy Transaction
    PT PLN (Persero), Area Indramayu, Distribution Unit of West Java
    Responsible for the management of measuring and limiting devices, energy loss recovery and control, public street lighting, customer connection services, as well as electricity energy settlement activities to meet the applicable operational standards.
    • Managing the functions of postpaid and prepaid kWh meter reading as well as electricity bill preparation and issuance.
    • Managing the completeness of customer data for both postpaid and prepaid systems.
    • Overseeing the inspection and maintenance of measuring and limiting devices (MLD) and their accessories, including those for customers utilizing AMR (Automatic Meter Reading).
    • Organizing and managing the control processes for non-technical energy losses, such as P2TL (Electricity Theft Prevention Program), meter maintenance, billing processes, and the regulation and inventory of public street lighting (PSL).
    • Verifying the validity and completeness of measuring and limiting devices (MLD), including seals, for activities such as new installations, capacity changes, temporary lighting, reconnections, and disconnections of service and MLD.
    • Managing MLD materials for maintenance activities and controlling returned materials.
    • Managing every point of electricity transaction (monthly loss prediction and calculation), including substations, kWh export-import, and customer transactions.
    • Updating RBM (Meter Reading Route) for both postpaid and prepaid customers on a monthly basis.
    • Guiding and developing human resource competencies through coaching, mentoring, and counseling to meet job competency requirements.
    • Managing work programs under the scope of the role in alignment with good corporate governance (GCG), risk policies, compliance policies, K3L (Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment) policies, and the integrated management system implemented in the work unit.
    • Carrying out assignments or tasks given by superiors (within the scope of office duties) aimed at improving performance, enhancing brand image, and creating value.
  • 2022.01 - 2023.01

    Indramayu, Indonesia

    Assistant Analyst for Electrical Network and Customer Data Mapping
    PT PLN (Persero), Area Indramayu, Distribution Unit of West Java
    Responsible for inventorying and updating asset data, both spatial and textual, as well as managing, controlling, and evaluating the implementation of operations and maintenance tasks.
    • Monitoring and evaluating the physical realization of distribution asset changes.
    • Developing plans for the management of distribution asset data and its mapping.
    • Validating existing distribution asset data (Medium Voltage Network along with communication facilities and automation, Distribution Substations, Low Voltage Network, and Customers based on GIS/Maximo/e-mapping).
    • Ensuring that every asset change is recorded in the asset data.
    • Coordinating the socialization and supervision of Enterprise Asset Management (EAM).
    • Evaluating the implementation of the Network Master Data roadmap.
  • 2019.01 - 2021.12

    Indramayu, Indonesia

    Assistant Engineer for Transaction Meter Maintenance
    PT PLN (Persero), Area Indramayu, Distribution Unit of West Java
    Responsible for the implementation of transaction meter maintenance to ensure the accuracy of electricity consumption measurement.
    • Carrying out transaction meter maintenance due to faulty, opaque, jammed, or outdated meters.
    • Conducting periodic installation and maintenance of Automatic Meter Reading (AMR).
    • Preparing the necessary kWh meters for maintenance.
    • Performing periodic sampling and testing of metrological calibration results.
    • Carrying out maintenance and recalibration of kWh meter and Electronic Meters (ME), as well as AMR systems handled by third parties.
    • Performing testing of measuring instruments, limiters, and their components for new or reliable used materials.
  • 2018.01 - 2018.12

    Kubu Raya, Indonesia

    Junior Engineer Technology and Information
    PT PLN (Persero), Power Plant Sector of Kapuas, Regional Kalimantan
    Planning, implementing, and evaluating the maintenance activities of information technology infrastructure and facilities to support the reliability of power generation.
    • Supervising and implementing the use of the CMMS program by ensuring the program is ready for use and that employees utilizing the program can operate it as expected.
    • Supervising the execution of maintenance and repair of information technology infrastructure.
    • Conducting maintenance of information data and information security systems to ensure the protection of information technology infrastructure.
    • Providing IT services to all users.
  • 2015.05 - 2017.12

    Kubu Raya, Indonesia

    Junior Technician Planning and Control of Power Plant Maintenance
    PT PLN (Persero), Power Plant Sector of Kapuas, Regional West Kalimantan
    Plan and evaluate power generation operations with a focus on effectiveness, efficiency and ensuring high reliability.
    • Plan and control Work Orders (WO) in accordance with the Work Plane Control (WPC).
    • Plan and prepare resource needs, including materials, tools, manpower (Resource Planning), and schedule the execution of Work Orders.
    • Review, improve, and update preventive maintenance schedules/scopes and follow up on engineering recommendations.
    • Evaluate maintenance history data for equipment and compile maintenance history statistics (MTBF, MTTR).
    • Measure and periodically evaluate key maintenance indicators/Maintenance Mix (number of WOs, man-hours, and costs).
    • Execute and manage outage management effectively.
  • 2013.07 - 2015.04

    Pontianak, Indonesia

    Junior Operator Control Room
    PT PLN (Persero), Diesel of Power Plant Siantan, Regional West Kalimantan
    Conduct operational control of power generation units, inspect and address disturbances (first-line maintenance), and perform performance tests on power plant installations to ensure operational reliability.
    • Synchronize and disconnect units as requested, maintain operational log sheets and kWh records for energy transfer purposes.
    • Monitor anomalies or disturbances in power plant installations and prepare operational and equipment damage reports.
    • Perform performance tests on power plant installations according to established SOPs to ensure operational reliability.
    • Address disturbances in power generation units to restore normal functionality (first-line maintenance).
    • Adhere to standards for Quality Management Systems (QMS), Environmental Management Systems (EMS), Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) for quality, safety, and sustainability.


  • 2023.08 - 2025.07

    Surabaya, Indonesia

    Master of Technology Management
    Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, East Java, Indonesia
    Business Analytics
    • Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
  • 2013.09 - 2017.07

    Pontianak, Indonesia

    Bachelor of Engineering
    Tanjungpura University, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
    Electrical Engineering
    • Control Engineering



  • 2023.07.01
    AQORTA (Air Quality and Noise Real Time Data Acquisition) An Integrated Air Quality and Noise Telemetry System with Solar Power System
    ID Patent: P00202112421
    The AQORTA system invention pertains to the implementation of a telemetry system for air quality and noise monitoring, capable of recording measurement data into a MySQL database and displaying the measurement results through a Graphical User Interface (GUI) in real-time. The system consists of two components: hardware and software. The hardware component is installed at the measurement location and functions to record air quality data (CO, O3, temperature, humidity) and noise levels, transmitting the data to a MySQL database hosted on a web server. The software component is accessible via a website-based GUI and an Android smartphone application, enabling the visualization of measurement data in the form of gauge indicators, graphs, tables, and geolocation data using the Google Maps Application Programming Interface (API). The AQORTA system’s primary power supply relies on solar panels and a 12-volt DC battery regulated by a solar charge controller. The hardware’s energy consumption is 78.49 Wh per day.


  • 2023.03.01
    Inovasi Sistem Pengukuran Kualitas Udara Terintegrasi Solar Power System Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT)
    Penerbit Litnus (PT Literasi Nusantara Abadi Grup)
    Permasalahan kualitas udara kerap kali menjadi masalah yang sering terjadi baik di kota-kota besar dan juga pinggiran. Polutan yang berasal dari kendaraan bermotor dan industri yang kemudian dibuang ke lingkungan, pembukaan lahan dengan cara membakar hutan atau belukar akhirnya menjadi perangkap radiasi matahari sehingga mengakibatkan suhu meningkat dan efek iklim mikro menguat. Permasalahan terkait lingkungan dan manusia ini kemudian memerlukan tindakan mitigasi untuk memperkuat sistem informasi kebencanaan khususnya mengenai kualitas udara. Buku ini memaparkan inovasi dari hasil penelitian untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut yaitu berupa alat untuk mengukur kualitas udara secara portable berbasis Internet of Things (IoT). Inovasi yang dilakukan adalah alat dapat menampilkan data real time melalui koneksi internet dengan memanfaatkan website dan smartphone android sebagai Graphical User Interface (GUI). Selain itu untuk wilayah pinggiran/rural dipaparkan pula inovasi berupa penggunaan teknologi Long Range (LoRa).


  • 2024.10.01
    Anti Theft Power Smart Metering System
    International Conference on Technology and Policy in Energy and Electric Power (ICTPEP) 2024 at Bali, Indonesia
    PT PLN (Persero) which has more 89,1 million customer plays important role to distribute electricity to people. Even though PT PLN still has many problems on of which is losses energy in distribution system. Distribution system came from substation to 20KV line to distribution substation and then to kWh meter. Distribution losses can happen in two that is technical losses and non-technical losses. One of many reasons is happened in kWh meter. In PT PLN has two system kWh meter that is postpaid and prepaid. Postpaid still use conventional system that has to be reading physically by custodian and prepaid system use buying token before we use kWh meter. Postpaid system can’t detect theft electricity from customer just using conventional system. With microcontroller, IC power energy watt meter and GSM GPRS module we can build system that detect theft electricity and avoid non-technical distribution losses. The IC power energy meter STPM10 can calculate highly accurately voltage, current, active power, reactive power and frequency of line power. The module can send data to local server in distribution substation and analyze usage of distribution substation deviation with amount of usage kWh in the same distribution system.
  • 2024.07.01
    Exploring the Relationship between Solar Panel Adoption and Socio-Economic Factors: A Case Study of Urban Households in Developing Countries
    Journal of Electrical Systems 20-5s (2024): 2737-2754
    This article will discuss the results of research on how the use of solar panels as an alternative energy source is related to social and economic factors, especially in urban areas in developing countries. This study will analyze factors such as education level, income, and people's perceptions of alternative energy to identify correlations between solar panel use and socio-economic variables. It is hoped that this article can provide new insights for public policy in promoting the use of renewable energy and creating a more inclusive society. This research can be categorized as quantitative. The research method used is the associative research method. The data analysis method used is correlation analysis. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The results of the study show that there are different characteristics of the relationship between the use of solar panels and socio-economic variables. Research on the relationship between global solar panel use and factors such as the number of prosumers, total kwh exports, GRDP, total investment, total load, home charging ev, distance to the capital city, air quality, and per capita expenditure has very important uses for stakeholders, especially in terms of sustainable energy development and reducing negative impacts on the environment. Policymakers can use the results of this research to formulate more appropriate policies to promote the use of solar energy and drive the shift to renewable energy sources.
  • 2023.07.01
    A Telemetry System for Real-Time Air Quality and Noise Monitoring in Urban Areas Based on IoT Technology
    Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology
    Large urban agglomerations inevitably lead to air pollution. The sustainable control and monitoring of air pollution have been lacking in many cities including air quality and noise information was difficult to be accessed by the citizens periodically. This paper aims to design an air quality and noise telemetry systembased on internet communicationwhich can record the measurement data into MySQL database and showing the data through a GUI in real time. The system was developed by using solar panel as a main power supply with Arduino Uno R3 as a microcontroller board, ENC28J60 as an ethernet module and various environmental sensors like MQ7 (CO gas), MQ131 (Ozone gas), KY-038 (Noise), Dust Sensor GP2Y1010AU0F (PM10) and DHT11 (Temperature and Humidity). The system has been tested through an in-field experimentation performed in different areas of Pontianak City. Electrical energy consumption was 78,49Wh in a day. According to the test results, the system could work properly for both hardware and software.


Outage Management
PT PLN (Persero)
Electricity Risk Management
PT PLN (Persero)
Basic Fraud Risk Management
PT PLN (Persero)
Basic Risk Management
PT PLN (Persero)
Automatic Meter Reading
PT PLN (Persero)
SAP Material Management
PT PLN (Persero)


Native or bilingual proficiency
Professional working proficiency
Elementary proficiency